
Miroslaw Krupinski, February 16th 2011
Po otrzymaniu pokazanego wyzej listu (konczacego moja publikację emerytura2) zadzwonilem do Canberry pod wskazany w jego lewym dolnym rogu numer telefonu. Wnoszac z przebiegu otrzymywanej z Canberry korespondencji ze moje publikacje emerytura1 i emerytura2 nie sa tam znane – poinformowalem rozmowce o ich istnieniu i zaproponowalem zapoznanie sie z nimi (glownie z uwagi na zawarte w nich moje ostrzezenia zwiazane z australijso-polska umowa emerytalna). Moj rozmowca odpowiedzial ze nie jest upowazniony do czytania sluzbowo prywatnych witryn i zaproponowal mi ze przelaczy mnie na wyzszy szczebel gdzie, byc moze, zapoznanie sie z moimi publikacjami bedzie mozliwe. Okazalo sie ze jest mozliwe i zapoznalem nowego rozmowce z adresem glownym mojej witryny index.htm – skad dostep do obu „emerytur” jest mozliwy. Kiedy uzyskal polaczenie wskazalem istotne moim zdaniem informacje, rowniez o ryzyku i aspektach wynikajacych dla Australii z zawartej umowy emerytalnej. Obie rozmowy za pelna moja zgoda byly nagrywane.
Na drugi dzien otrzymalem zwiazany z tematem mail z propozycja part time pracy (cytuje):
----- Original Mail Message -----
From: josphine kingsley
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 5:34 AM
Subject: Miroslaw
I'm addressing you on behalf of the HR department of a large company.
Our company is well known in various fields as follows:
- consulting services in Australia and New Zeeland
- complex supporting services for businesses
- consultation to start business
- tax planning consulting
Special offer to work for the large multinational corporation in the countries of Australia and New Zeeland.
- remuneration 2.600 USD + premium payment
- partial employment
- individual choice of work time
If we were able to awake a great interest in you to work in our company, do not hesitate to contact us.
First name:
Country of residence
Place of residence
E-mail box
Contact phone number
Important note! This work is provided just for citizens in Australia and New Zeeland.
Please, write your name and Telephone Number so that our manager could contact you and conduct an interview.
I'm addressing you on behalf of the HR department of a large company.
Our company is well known in various fields as follows:
- consulting services in Australia and New Zeeland
- complex supporting services for businesses
- consultation to start business
- tax planning consulting
Special offer to work for the large multinational corporation in the countries of Australia and New Zeeland.
- remuneration 2.600 USD + premium payment
- partial employment
- individual choice of work time
If we were able to awake a great interest in you to work in our company, do not hesitate to contact us.
First name:
Country of residence
Place of residence
E-mail box
Contact phone number
Important note! This work is provided just for citizens in Australia and New Zeeland.
Please, write your name and Telephone Number so that our manager could contact you and conduct an interview.
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Na ktory odpowiedzialem z podziekowaniem ale odmownie, opisujac okolicznosci odmowy i problemu:
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Miroslaw
Dear Madame Kinglsey,
Thank you for your letter (quoted below) and included in it offer. Unfortunatelly - I'm almost 72 years old, and currently after several surgeries plus after chemoterapy, radioterapy and some medical mistreatments included in it. It means that I have limited mobility and thereof I'm not reliable employee for you Company.
From 2004, when I became 65+ I become age pensioner. I had then some bank deposits created from my superanuation received in 1996 from WAWA, and from compensation for Martial Law roberies in Poland paid in 1997. It took me five years to win the court cases in Poland and in European Commision of Human Rights. Win - means that I proved criminality of gen. Jaruzelski martial law and crimes and roberies commited against me (and against many other people too). It was kind of satisfaction - but I was cheated in valuation of my non recompensated fully loses, despite court proven that they were commited. It is not important today and I'm not crying on Your lap. The deposits created were a good support for my age pension in Australia, and for Australia as well - because it was reducing significantly my australian pension - which I was and I am considering fair.
The problem is - I do not regard current government of Poland as honest partner in any deals - and I refuse to aply for their pension, despite during my 22 years long employment there and my incomes bigger 4-5 times than time-relevant average incomes in Poland. I'm simply considering Polish government more as mafia than as a partner for any honest deal. And my attidude towards this, for some unknown to me reason, caused my australian pension being stopped. Polish government has all my work related documments - despite that my copies (not all) were destroyed by Jaruazelski and followed governments. For some other reasons i had reported in written and confirmed by Australian Commissioner of Declarations - all my workplaces and periods of employment and I had it sent (as requested) to Polish Institute of National Memory in 2009; it was confirmed and acknowledged. The IPN is an Government Agency at ministerial level, and as such is sharing their data and archives.
In described situation Polish Government - knowing my date of birth and full history of 22 years employment (including unlawful imprisonment in period December 16 1981 - September 17.1983 and ban to employ me as an engineer in Poland since then till I left Poland on May 1987 - should in my opinon automatically start paying me my pension from 8th of September 2004. It did not hsppened and I'am not a begger or a prostitute, who will run when somebody wave a money, to ask for it. For me that government (some previous as well) are more opportunistic mafia than government.
You can, at any time, find more of my reaasons going to the my home page: http://members.iinet.net.au/~miroslaw/index.htm , and there to the index links <emerytura> and <emerytura2>.
I apologise far that wide digresion. It is my response and "revange" for your nice offer.
Sincerelly Yours
Miroslaw Krupinski
Dzien pozniej otrzymalem pismo (tym razem z lokalnego biura Centrelinku i podpisane) zamykajace sprawe i problem:

Miroslaw Krupinski, February 26th, 2011
Dwa dni pozniej otrzymalem podobny (vide nizej) list, z identyczna data, z Hobart. Ktory mowiac prawde sprawil mi najwieksza przyjemnosc bo byl dowodem ze moje argumenty i ostrzezenia opublikowane w plikach <emerytura.htm> i <emerytura2.htm> zostaly przez Australian Government i przez Centrelink International Service zrozumiane. I znow poczulem sie w „mojej Australii” a nie zawieszony w prozni pomiedzy Australia i Polska. Dla zupelnej jasnosci – przez prawie 48 lat ta Polska byla „moja Polska” – gdzie zdazylem sie urodzic tydzien przed zagarnieciem Wolynia przez owczesny Zwiazek Radziecki, Polska gdzie zapewniono mi bezplatna nauke, leczenie, bezplatne studia i studia podyplomowe oraz prace ktora naprawde lubilem i w ktorej bylem naprawde dobry i wynikajace z niej doswiadczenie zawodowe inzyniera do zastosowania wszedzie. Szkoda ze tej Polski, rzadzonej obecnie przez udajaca rzad mafie nie moge nazwac „moja Polska”. Ale moze kiedys i to sie zmieni i wszystko wroci do normy. I wtedy moze bede mogl z przekonaniem skorzystac z propozycji zawartej w tym ostatnim pismie:

Miroslaw Krupinski, March 01, 2011
Some new problems: Yesterday, On March 18th 2011 I had received letter stating that I did not updated my incomes and assets data. The problem is that I had sent the updates by mail to both Centrelink Offices – in Canberra and in Albany on March 3rd. The Albany Office returned it unopened with changes as below:

My letter sent to Canberra Office address wasn’t returned, so probably was delivered and considered OK. Then why remainder?
Previous sin I had commited was that after updating my report by phone on December 16th 2010 I had prepared prediction raport for deposits to be matured later - on December 28 th and on January 24.2011. But when in meantime my pension had been suspended – I archived it without sending as unwanted. At the same time when speaking with Centrelink by phone I reminded that I, as asked many years ago, signed agreement that Centrelink and Australian Taxation Office will have unrestricted access to my bank accounts. It worked without problems by many years – and my accounts numbers are unchanged and accounts not multiplied.
Am I dumb – or somebody is casting sand into well working Centrelink machine?
Miroslaw Krupinski, March 19th 2011
Recommended, to know more: http://members.iinet.net.au/~miroslaw/ZAULKI%20ZBRODNI%20I%20ZDRADY.htm