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W rezultacie pozbywamy się dwóch ostatnich opcji
Resortowym beksom pozostawiłem miłościwie trzy anonimowe furtki:
- #idc-container - tu trzeba wystukać coś sensownego, żeby załapać się na publikację. Wnuczek wrzucił nam tu kilkakrotnie jakiś hermetyczny żargonowy termin resortowy, do którego przydałby się jakiś odsyłacz z wyjaśnieniem, bo nikt nic z tego terminu nie jarzy i nie kuma, o co kaman.
Test na limit długości komentarza
OdpowiedzUsuńZobaczymy, kiedy obetnie i policzymy literki.
Twój kod HTML nie może zostać zaakceptowany: Wartość musi mieć co najwyżej 4 096 znaków, czyli z grubsza 566 słówek
Anno Domini 556 coś wyskoczyło z Puszczy Białowieszczańskiej i napadło na Bizancjum. To coś od razu nazywało się Słowianie albo raczej Sklaveni.
I nikt do dziś nie wie skąd.
Pisma nie mieli - głagolica powstała później. Ale przecież pismo potrzebne jest wyłącznie cywilizacji agrarnej. Słowianie jeszcze nie byli rolnikami w 556 A.D.
Bałtyk: znaczy "biały". Żyje człowiek tyle a jakoś nie wiedział o białym Bałtyku.
Dlaczego Wikingowie omijali ziemie polskie? Bo tam żyli koczownicy leśni a takowych raczej nie opłaca się łupić. Tak jak nie opłacało się łupić Mohikan czy Pigmejów. Cywilizacje przedagrarne nie gromadziły bogactw.
opola 2003-03-22 15:46:31
Polskie mity i legendy 2003-02-09 19:39:28
Lengyel regék és mondák
I have to still wonder whether pol-ak might be from a corruption Lekh to Lakh to po-lakh to po-lak, but I can't prove it, and it goes against the standard etymologies of the history books!
I don't dispute that most books claim that Poland comes from "pole", field, but i was offering a counter theory not in vogue. I have heard of the Polanie, something I will have to look up further. My developing theory, though makess me want to ask, "So where's "Lanie," anyway?" My hypothesis could be wrong, but if I can learn somethign in the process, I'd be happy.
Bohemian titles
Descriptive terms:
/ : nobleman/woman, aristocrat
: the nobility/aristocracy/peerage.
: the minor/lesser nobility
It is possible that the Polanie from Poland were earlier called "Le,dzice" (cf. Hungarian Lengyel, Lengyelorszag, = Pole, Poland and Lithuanian - Lenkasz = Pole) Since "la,d" means "land" in Polish the older name would have the same meaning as the later one.
Already in the fourth century Alans were settled in Pannonia together with Goths and Huns under the leadership of Alatheus and Saphrac. They served as federates and regular soldiers and officers f.i. in the armies of Gratianus, Theodosius I and Stilicho. Groups of Alans were also settled in Italy and Gaul. The French name Alain has its roots in Alanus und Allen is the English form of it.
One of the Slavic groups, the Poles, called themselves Sarmatians; this name was recorded very early in Western Medieval chronicles [27], which lends credence to the traditions recorded in Polish chronicles edited at the waning of the Middle Ages, according to which they were in touch with the Iranians. [28] In Antiquity the Sarmatians, as is well known, were the Alans. [29] The meaning of the name "Sarmata" in Iranian is the "council." [30] It refers not to the nationality or language, but to the social organization of the Alans, ruled by a supreme council, appointing the king. [31] The role of the council in early Slavic history is well known, especially among the Western Slavs. Thus the social, or political, organization of the Iranian Alans and Polish Slavs offers evidence of their affiliation. Both groups used the Iranian word for "council" derived from the type of their ruling body. They must have been in very close proximity to affect such borrowings and exchange of influences. These were of such important nature, defining the whole structure of the society, that we are obliged to start thinking in terms of direct intermingling of population groups.
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